Contact us: (636)462-4864
The Lincoln County R-III School District Transportation Department is an award-winning District-owned fleet of 76 buses, transporting approximately 4,500 of the 7,100+ student population daily. Buses travel nearly a million miles annually, covering approximately 238 square miles. Transportation services are provided for all eligible students in grades Pre K–12 living more than one mile from their assigned attendance center.
Our primary goal is to ensure the safe and secure transportation of our students.
The Board of Education, in accordance with state regulations, requires all employees driving school buses to be trained by certified personnel, properly licensed, subject to extensive background screening, and in compliance with all District, state, and federal regulations mandated for school bus drivers. We employ over 100 full and part-time bus drivers. We encourage and welcome parents and patrons of our District to seek employment opportunities to drive our school buses. We have found that people with a vested interest in the students and our community have proven to be a great asset to the District.
The Lincoln County R-III School District is located northwest of St. Louis and is noted as one of the fastest-growing school communities in the state. We are currently servicing an early childhood education center; seven elementary schools; two middle schools; one ninth grade center; two high schools (one traditional and one non-traditional); and other vocational, special education, and distance learning school sites. Lincoln County R-III School District boundaries include addresses for Troy, Moscow Mills, Hawk Point, Winfield, and Truxton areas. Please call the District offices at (636) 462-4864 for assistance in determining actual school district and/or attendance center assignments. In addition, a tool to determine your school boundary is located on the District’s home page under “Community>District Boundary>Boundary Search.”