Proposition KIDS will ask voters to approve an $80 million no tax levy increase bond issue on the April 8, 2025 ballot. This bond issue will not require an increase to the current tax levy but will extend the current debt. Bond funds would be used to complete the building projects to address growth, facility needs, and maintenance in the Lincoln County R-III School District.
If Proposition KIDS is passed in the April 2025 election, the following projects have been identified:
Not yet. To build a second high school campus completely (including an athletic complex, an additional instructional wing, an agriculture education facility, a performing arts center, and a performance gymnasium – ensuring that all students in the District have the same opporutnities), the district would have to ask voters to raise the tax levy and extend the debt. Proposition KIDS allows an intermediate step to provide more space for 9-12 students and programs now – without increasing the tax levy.
With the approval of Proposition KIDS, both campuses, Troy Buchanan and Troy Buchanan High School – South Campus (currently Ninth Grade Center), will be one high school with two campuses.
The district will continue to monitor enrollment growth and plan for a second phase, in which the District will ask voters to approve the completion and opening of a second high school.
Both the Troy Buchanan High School and Troy Buchanan High School – South Campus (currently Ninth Grade Center) campuses will serve students in grades 9-12. Students may attend both campuses throughout the day, depending on their schedule. Every effort will be made to minimize travel between the two buildings throughout the day for students.
The school district’s current debt service levy is adequate to make the principal and interest payments on the general obligation bonds. There will not be an increase to the current tax levy of the Lincoln County R-III School District. Regardless of the outcome of the vote in April, the tax levy will remain at $4.76. By taking on the additional debt, the District’s debt payments will be extended by a maximum of 20 years.
The tax rate will not change from its current rate of $4.76, regardless of the outcome of the vote on April 8.
Taxes are calculated on the assessed value of your home and personal property, which is determined by the county assessor, not the market value (or what you paid for it). You can look at your property tax receipt to determine the actual assessed value.
For LCR3, you multiply $4.76 per every $100 of assessed value for your real estate and personal property. With Proposition KIDS, the levy, $4.76, will not change. However, when the assessed value of your property or real estate changes, your total tax bill will fluctuate.
No. General obligation bonds provide funds for capital improvements. The bonds are paid off through the debt service levy. Use of the debt service levy is dictated by state statute.
Salaries are paid out of the operating levy, which is not impacted by bonds.
A bond issue on the ballot in April must have just above 57% or 4/7 in yes votes to pass.
The state of Missouri limits how much a school district can ask for (15% of the assessed value of the property in the district). The school district's current and future projects are more than we can ask for in one bond issue, so we are dividing the different projects over several years so we can expand our school buildings and make necessary improvements. We can’t do it all at once, so we will do a little at a time.
Capital improvements (roof repairs, HVAC, new classroom additions, etc ) will need to be put on hold, or the district could be forced to use operating funds (money used for educating students and paying the salaries for teachers and staff) to take care of emergency repairs or urgent capital improvement projects.
If passed in April of 2025, the projects would be completed over the next three years.
Election day is on Tuesday, April 8, 2025. Voters can choose to vote early at the old Lincoln County Courthouse beginning February 25, 2025.
The last day to register to vote is Wednesday, March 12, 2025. Visit the Lincoln County Clerk’s website for more details, or click here for more information on how to register to vote.
You can locate your polling place on the County Clerk's website.
If you are not available to vote in person on April 8, 2025, you can request an absentee ballot, or vote early at the old Lincoln County Courthouse beginning on February 25.
More information about the election and voting can be found on the The Lincoln County Clerk's website.
Paid for by the Lincoln County R-III School District; Matt Frederickson, Superintendent; 951 West College St., Troy, MO 63379